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  • My First Blog Post

    October 24, 2019 by

    Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

  • Exploring the Universe.

    October 24, 2019 by

    “Universe as a challenge. Read this carefully and try to imagine everything at every point of time.” Universe is generally seen as a quiet place with many hyperactive activities taking at a far distance.Far far away form the earth,system and even the orion belt. But, did you notice things only in our solar system surrounding… Read more

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Universe is generally seen as a quiet place with many hyperactive activities taking at a far distance.Far far away form the earth,system and even the orion belt.

But, did you notice things only in our solar system surrounding us can take away many lives.the asteroids in the asteroid belt are a danger. However 95% of the big asteroids are identified and considered out of danger for the human race.

Even Things in our own earth and even we can destroy ourselves with a nuclear war.Thinking how the world would be destroyed? Let us imagine an asteroid hitting the earth at an angle of 25 degree to the land. this would cause a devastating damage on the area it crashed. if we take a series of such rocks a period of ice age would gradually accelerate. Days Would Become really cold and crops would be destroyed.Continue imagining . No food would be left and people would die from starvation. a period of ice age would come when everything including ocean , ses, rivers would freeze and we would be left with water food,shelter etc.This would eventually bring an end to the human race.

Same would happen in the case of a nuclear war with countries fighting among themselves to show their power.

OK, i know for what you here. I want to talk about something important but related and different from this . we know that there are many ways by which we could be destroyed and we are constantly working on it .But, we must see ourselves.Just analyze the condition of our society for no place to the poor and helpless.We have just lost the most important thing among all “HUMANITY”.We might consider ourselves as a very innocent and humane person.But remembering our past we can easily , even i can see that somewhere i didn’t help someone which i was capable of.Countries are ready preparing for war with the neighbouring countries rather than appealing for peace.We see many campaigns for implementing peace all over the world and there is a drastic change but we have much to go. With inter – religion fights and countries trying to gain supremacy we would destroy ourselves either ethically or practically.

This was a kind of off – topic blog but we should never forget that science is not just about knowledge and theories,it’s a way of living.Living with respect to the nature and to ourselves trying to understand how things work and try to make the better.

For true science or space lovers not only knowledge but human society should also be a concern.After All,we do this for our own satisfaction and fame and in a society with no morals and ethics there’s no value of fame and knowledge

Author, Me(Srijan)

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